Monday, February 29, 2016

Daily Yoga and Meditation

Yoga for Back Pain Relief 

Yoga is the complete package of exercise for all age group. It consist of Pose & Posture, breathing exercise, warm-up, stretching, meditation, Mudra and so on. With the busy schedule and fast-food today many people are suffering from different health problem. Everyday 1 hour practice of yoga will make healthy body and mind. Breathing exercise and meditation will heal internal problem whereas posses and postures will solve all physical problem. Lower back pain is a common problem with growing age. Causes for this pain are dry ligament in spinal cord joints, calcium deficiency, over exercise and other. Calcium supplements and pathological medicine will relief the problem during its consumption only leaving side effects. Regular practice of some yoga poses and posture will relief lower back pain naturally without any side effect. Some poses are described below: 
Yoga Poses and Posture for Lower Back Pain Relief
Lower Back Pain

 Cobra Pose (Bhujanga Aasan) 

The posture in cobra pose is said to be derived from extension of cobra. This very simple pose with strengthen your spinal cord, chest and stomach muscle. Keep both legs straight and join, put your hands in mat near shoulder and inhale dip breadth straitening your hand to give posture like extension of cobra.
Yoga cobra Pose for Lower Back Pain Relief
Cobra Pose

Monkey Pose (Markat Aasan) 

 The posture in Monkey pose is said to be derived from twisting body like monkey does. This very simple pose will strengthen spinal cord, stomach muscle and spine. It can be done with pose different style.

Pose 1:

Sleep flat in level surface, put your hand straight to shoulders. Pull legs back to hip and twist your body like monkey does. Bend legs towards left and head towards right with breathe exhale. Take rest at middle position with breathe inhale. Bend legs towards right and head towards left with breathe exhale. Do it for 7-11 rounds for effective result.
Yoga Monkey Pose for Lower Back Pain Relief
Monkey Pose 1

Pose 2:

Sleep flat in level surface, put your hand straight to shoulders. Take your left leg straight to right hand and head bend to right with breathe exhale. Relax in normal position with breathe inhale. Similarly, take your right leg straight to left hand and head bend to right with breathe exhale.

Yoga Monkey Pose for Lower Back Pain Relief
Monkey Pose 2


 Cobra pose and Monkey pose are the best Yoga poses and posture exercise for lower back pain relief. 

 Tags: Yoga, Pose, Posture, Back Pain, Relief

Friday, February 26, 2016

Daily Yoga and Meditation

Hair Cutting Meditation

Hair Cutting Meditation is simple technique very effective for beginners. Meditation is diet for mental health for sound mind. Everyone know somehow meditation is a must but don't have time for it or idea to meditate. Hair Cutting Meditation is one for those. This meditation is design for men and women with short hair. We cut our hair once or twice every month so you get chance to get meditate atleast once every month even you don't have separate time for meditation.

Hair Cutting Meditation as Basic Meditation Technique for Beginners
Hair Cutting Meditation

How to do Hair Cutting Meditation ?

When you seat for hair cut, explain to barber how you want to be your hair cut. It is importance so you won't be disturb during meditation. Close your eyes when barber start to cut your hair. With full awareness feel and observe the touch of comb in your head, sound of scissor, trimming machine. Don't open your eyes with some pain or etching during hair cut until it finished. The main secrete behind this meditation observation of touch and sound with awareness.

Do Hair Cutting Meditation Works ?

Every meditation works so it will work as well. If we can do most of our daily activities with awareness and observation you don't need extra time for meditation.

Experience with Hair Cutting Meditation

With your first hair cutting meditation practice you will start to feel the taste of meditation. It will motivate you to give separate time for meditation. Share your experience to help other meditate during hair cut. You can learn other simple technique for meditation to start meditate from today.

Tags: Hair Cutting Meditation, Technique, Simple, Meditation, Observation, Awareness, Touch

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Daily Yoga and Meditation

Basic Meditation for Beginners Technique 4

Exercise Meditation

Exercise Meditation is simple and relaxing exercise. We first do a bit heavy exercise and meditate in sleeping position. This meditation is targeted specially to age group 15-40 years old. I don’t recommend this meditation to those having heart problem and high blood pressure. They can meditate with my other simple meditation technique. Good blood circulation and deep breathing is the main secrets of this meditation. Many of us are doing this exercise unknowingly too. Those whose can’t stay in meditation due to distraction of dreaming can do this meditation. When you are physically tired, your mind is more concentration towards yourself. I don’t recommend this meditation to those having heart problem and high blood pressure. For exercise you can choose playing soccer, basketball, skipping, running, push up, pull up and so on that will circulate your blood. I prefer skipping because it gives full body movement and everyone can manage space for this exercise.
Basic Meditation for Beginners Technique 4 Exercise Meditation

Step 1: Exercise

Do skipping or any other exercise for 10 minutes or till you get sweat.
Basic Meditation for Beginners Technique 4 Exercise Meditation
Exercise for Meditation

Step 2: Relaxation

Sleep in the level surface and watch your breathing after exercise. At the beginning breathing with be short and fast later slow and calm. Observe your breathing how it comes and goes. You can take small nap too.

Experience with Exercise Meditation

You will feel fresh and energized with this exercise meditation. It will make you feel younger and active at your daily activities. Please practice by yourself and share your experience. For more simple technique of meditation check my other post in Daily Yoga and Meditation.

Tags: Yoga, Meditation, Exercise, Technique, Beginners, Skipping

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Daily Yoga and Meditation

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasan)

Cobra Pose is derived from posture of snake Cobra when its hood raised. Cobra Pose in Sanskrit call Bhujangasan, pronounced bhu-jung-aasan.  This pose is one of most important pose in yoga to practice daily. It is very useful to strengthen muscles of the back, neck and abdomen on regular practice. You can practice this pose by your own without any help from qualified yoga instructor following steps below.

Cobra Pose: Process and its Health Benefits
Cobra Pose

Procedure for Cobra Pose:

  1. Put your yoga mat in level surface.
  2. Lie in mat flat comfortably on your stomach.
  3. Feet need to be together with the tops of them against the floor. Spread hands on the floor under shoulders and hug elbows against rib cage.
  4. Straighten your arms and lift your head, chest and stomach from floor to pose like cobra raised its hood with inhale slow and deep breathe.
  5. Stay in this posture for 10-30 seconds and exhale gradually returning to normal position. 
  6. Continue the above procedure for 5-15 times daily.

Health Benefits of Cobra Pose:

Helps to recover Asthma problem
Stretches muscles of chest, neck and abdominal
Relief on lower back pain
Strengthens muscles of arms and shoulders 
Muscles of face tone to look younger
Decrease fats from abdomen and chest.
Increases flexibility
Regular menstruation in female
Tones the buttocks muscles
Stimulates organs like kidney, pancreas  in the abdomen
Opens the chest and helps to clear the passages of the heart and lungs
Improves circulation of oxygenated blood
Improves digestion
Strengthens the spine

Precaution in Cobra Pose:

As the precaution, practice this posture in the supervision of yoga experts. Don't forget to practice opposite posture of Cobra Pose to balance the muscles exercise. You must do Seated Forward Bend ( Janu shirsasan) pose equal number of times you did cobra pose.

 Tags: Cobra Pose, Bhujangasan, Yoga, Lemory Loss, Health Benefits, Process, Muscles

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Daily Yoga and Meditation

Mantra for Meditation

Daily Yoga and Maditation
Mantra is a phrase or sentence use to chant repetitive way to be focus for meditation. For Meditation for Beginners, Mantra meditation is simple and easy technique that everyone can do. Mantra chanting meditation is famous among Hindu and Buddhist religion. Every mantra produces specific type of vibrant of wave. Vibrant wave produces in mantra chanting cleanses negative waves and spread positive wave in the surrounding environment. Each Mantra can be chant repetitive way for longer hours of time during meditation. It is believed that more you chant mantra more spiritual energy flow. This spiritual energy is called Aura. Mantra chanting is done for other purpose as well beyond meditation. I have explain 8 different mantra used by Hinduism. Each Mantra can be chant 8, 21, 108, 1008, 100008, 1…………8 times for best result.

Daily Yoga and Meditation

गन गणपते नमः

It is pronounced as “Om Gan Ganapate Nama” derived from Ganapati Upanishad. It belongs to Lord Ganesh Mantra. This mantra is chant before any new activities are to be start. For example: before beginning a journey, Starting new career or job, before reading books, before examination, entering to new house or business etc. It is done so that every new beginning starts with good and may achieve great success at its earliest.
Daily Yoga and Meditation

वक्रतुण्ड माहाकाय सूर्यकोटि समः प्रभः

It can be pronounced as "Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Sama Prabha". This mantra chants for soul purification and Removal of obstacles on doing any good work.

गंध्याक्षाया नमः

It can be pronounced as “Om Gangdhyaxyaya Nama” . This mantra is also belonged to Lord Ganesh mantra and chant in a group for group healing. It can be chant by individual for meditation but group chanting meditation with this mantra produces good vibrant and heal every member with great spiritual energy.

विनायकाय नमः

Pronounce this mantra as “Om Binayakaya Nama”. In the golden age, Lord Ganesh is named as Binayak. This mantra is chant to have golden age in our life. Binayak literally means everything under control and in your home, office or work, you'll be the boss on continuous chanting for more numbers of time.

विघ्न नाशनाय नमः

Pronounce this mantra as “Om Bighna Nasanaya Nama”. On chanting this mantra, it is believed the Lord Ganesh will remove every impediment in life and in works. With constant meditation by chanting this mantra, all blocked energy and obstacles in physical and astral bodies are released.

विकटाय नमः

Pronounce this mantra as “Om Biktaya Nama”. When meditate with this mantra, we start to go deep inside and realize spiritual meaning of physical body and astral soul.

लम्बोदाराए नमः

“Om Lambodaraya Nama” mantra means that all the universes are within you. For Example an entire tree was in the form of seed at the beginning. Chanting this mantra will make you realize the oneness with the universe.

गज्कर्नीकाया नमः

“Om Gajkarnikaya Nama”. On chanting this mantra, it develops the capacity to hear the inner sound of spiritual soul on its regular practice.

श्री गणेशाये नमः

“Om Sri Ganeshaye Nama”. On chanting this mantra regularly will increase memory power. So this mantra is more famous among students.  Parents advise their kid to chant this mantra before study and during examination. With regular meditation by chanting this mantra will be beneficial for those suffering from memory loss.

Why Mantra Meditation ?

Mantra meditation is easy, simple and everyone can start from today.

Tags: Mantra, Meditation, Memory Loss,

Daily Yoga and Meditation

Basic Meditation for Beginners Technique 3

Mantra Meditation for Beginners

Mantra meditation is the best meditation for beginners. For beginners it is very difficult to stay calm and focus during meditation. There are many Mantra that can be used during meditation. Mantra is the phrase of words or complete sentence that is proven to produce specific vibrant of positive wave. Mantra Meditation has dual benefits. One it will help to meditate for beginners and second it will produce good amount of Aura in our body. Begin with basic meditation steps and start chanting mantra. You can pick any mantra if you already know few mantras or choose from Mantras for Meditation. In Mantra for Meditation I have only describe few mantras and there are thousands of mantras. I suggest you to know detail about mantra that you are going to chant.
Mantra Meditation for Beginners

Many of you might have one question that how many times you need to chant mantra during meditation. Well the more you chant mantra during meditation you start developing more aura in your body. During meditation for beginners I advice to chant any mantra for 108 times. The strength of mantra grows the healing power. Pattern for mantra chanting are 8, 21, 108, 1008, 10….08 times.
Two steps to mediate for beginners are one be physically & mentally prepare and second to follow any simple technique of breathing exercise.

Step 1: Prepare Physically and Mentally for Meditation

Be mentally prepared that you are going to do meditation for next few minutes. For physical preparation, wear comfortable lose clothes, select silence environment and take any easy posture where you can standstill for 10-15 minutes of time. I prefer to meditate in the early morning where I get fresh air and natural sounds of birds, trees, leaves, animals, river, stream and so on. Lotus posture is regarded as the best posture for meditation from ancient time. 

Step 2: Simple Technique of Breathing Exercise for Meditation

Breathing exercise is to control your breathing i.e. inhale and exhale of breathing. During meditation we mostly choose only one simple technique of breathing. Inhale and exhale our breathing in slow, longer and deeper breathing.

Basic Meditation for Beginners Mantra Meditation

 Experience with Mantra Meditation

Breathing exercise is to control your breathing i.e. inhale and exhale of breathing. During meditation we mostly choose only one simple technique of breathing. For few minutes inhale and exhale of our breathing in slow, longer and deeper way. It will make our mind calm and so we can begin mantra chanting. Every mantra has its proven rhythm to chant. However it is not necessary for beginner and even you can chant mantra without making sound.

Benefits of Meditation:

  • 1.     It gradually removes stress and makes you feel calm and peace.
  • 2.     Cure Lungs related diseases.
  • 3.     Enhance memory power.
  • 4.     Cure respiratory diseases.
  • 5.     Increase physical and mental strength.
  • 6.     This meditation will cure migrant pain.
  • 7.     Immune system functions well for overall health.
  • 8.     Increase creativeness and innovation.

 Precaution for meditation:

          It is advice to understand mantras well before starting Mantra Meditation. Every mantra has its own rhythm for chanting it. For beginner it is hard to catch the exact rhythm. So soundless mantra chanting is better option during meditation.

Tags: Mantra, Breathing Exercise, Meditation, Mantra Meditation, Posture, Chanting

Monday, February 15, 2016

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss

Games are meant for fun and you can improve your memory loss by playing memory games. Playing daily memory games will improve your memory loss without any significant effort. Heavy physical exercise and aging losses minerals needed for brain causing memory loss in this group. Memory is directly link with brain function so food supplements will add extra effort to improve your memory. Food supplements will supply sufficient amount of nutrition to brain to make it optimal functional. Some light exercise of yoga with poses and posture will circulate blood from heart to brain. Death brain cells get new life with oxygenated blood supply to brain. Stress and mental workload are basic causes for memory loss of service oriented professional. Meditation for few minutes daily will improve to minimize stress level. One can start with basic meditation for beginners and learn simple steps to meditate.

 Daily memory games to improve memory loss

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss.
Games are made for fun so every age group will enjoy playing it. Games are made with different colors, music, cartoons with option to play again and again on losing games it have attract right brain. Some games are challenging games and keep playing to win the game. Playing memory games for entertainment and challenge you start improving your memory loss without any significant effort. So memory games are easy and simple method for everyone to improve memory.

Different types of memory games are:

1.      Picture Games

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss.

2.      Match the Pictures

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss.

3.      Crossword Puzzle

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss

4.      Match the Words

5.      Daily Sudoku

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss

6.      Chess

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss

7.      Card Games

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss.

Food Supplements to improve memory loss

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory LossFood supplements will complete nutrition require to your brain. Junk food and fast food leave incomplete and imbalance nutrition in your busy life schedule. Food supplement will provide necessary nutrition to our body and brain. Make you energize to work with full concentration and stamina to work long hours. Choosing the best food supplement is another challenge now. It is quite easy if you follow very simple rule i.e. natural and easy to digest. Don’t use chemical added food supplements because it will leave side effect in long run. To name few supplement regarding natural food supplements to improve memory loss are:

1.      Walnuts

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss
  2.      Broccoli

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss

3.      Pumpkin Seeds

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss

4.      Blueberries

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss

5.      Fish

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss

6.      Whole Grains

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss

7.      Avocados

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss

8.      Yolk

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss

9.      Wine

Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss

 Meditation to improve memory loss

Meditation is the natural way to improve memory loss. Meditation improves concentration, attention, focus, memory for all age group.  Meditation is the broad term that can’t be explain with words and need to practice by yourself to understand. One can start with basic meditation for beginners and learn simple steps to meditate. For beginners 5 minutes is sufficient and can increase time up to 15 minutes per day. After about a week you can feel the different and improve in memory loss.
Daily Memory Games, Food Supplements and Meditation to Improve Memory Loss

Memory Loss

Memory loss means unable to remember activities and events for normal time periods. In medical term memory loss is known as Alzheimer’s disease. One thing always remembers that never bring the thought that you are suffering from memory loss problem. The thought in your mind is believed by brain and work accordingly. So your thought is the main root of your memory loss. Change your thought into I remember everything even every small thing

Tags: DailyMemory Games, Food Supplements, Meditation, Improve Memory Loss, Basic Meditation for Beginners, Yoga Poses and Posture, Change your thought, Right Brain

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Daily Yoga and Meditation

Basic Meditation for Beginners Technique 2

        Please follow instruction basic meditation for beginners technique 1 before reading this post. With regular practice of basic meditation for beginners technique 1 you might have been comfortable to mediate up to 15 minutes. You have understood the surface of meditation and now it’s time to go little deeper inside meditationEvery renowned masters or gurus of meditation began their journey in the same way little by little. It is gym of your mind. Like in gym, regular and gradually increase in exercise or practice is required in meditation. Continuity is must for beginners. After few regular meditation sessions you will learn to meditate in different situation and scenario. When you become expert you can meditate at every moment in every activity you perform. I am not giving big article on meditation because it is purely based on practice to understand it better by yourself. 
Basic Meditation for begineers

Step 1: Basic Meditation for Beginners

First step is same as basic meditation for beginners technique 1. Mentally prepare for meditation and take comfortable position making backbone straight for meditation. For beginners I recommended to go through my technique 1 and practice about a week before moving to technique 2. However you can begin meditation journey from here. To start meditation there is not specific rules.

Step 2: Basic Meditation for Beginners

Follow step 2 of basic meditation for beginners technique 1 for 5 minutes i.e. inhale deep, slow and longer breathe and exhale in the same way. After this let’s move little deeper into meditation from surface. I always choose simple and best technique to meditate deeper inside. Again we do breathing exercise and now you try to feel the spot where air touches inside nose during inhale and exhale of breathing. Simply keep observing the spot where air touches during inhaling and exhaling. Feel the touch and its warmness and coldness. Continue this for 10 minutes to 20 minutes daily.
Basic Meditation for Begineers

Experience with Basic Meditation

Practice it regularly and feel the experience. As I have said earlier meditation is very simple but not easy. You can't understand until you do it by yourself. It is necessary to continue it on regular basis. Make it routine to sit for meditation for few days then it will be your habit. I will share other simple techniques in next post Basic Meditation for Beginners Technique 3.

Benefits of Meditation:

          Benefits of this technique are same as previous meditation technique 1.
1.     It gradually remove stress make you feel fresh.

2.     Maintain blood circulation in heart smooth.

3.     Cure diseases of Lungs and related.

4.     Increase memory to capable you remember quicker and longer.

5.     Cure respiratory diseases.

6.     Make you physically and mentally healthy.

7.     Cure aged migrant pain.

8.     Enhance Immunity to improve overall health.

9.     Manage body metabolism and muscles tone.

10. Increase brain function for creativity and innovation.

 Precaution for meditation:

          Precaution is required for beginners to practice meditation. In meditative phase mind become purely neutral that can be guided either negatively or positively. So when experience meditation instructor guide you to begin meditation will result all benefits mention above.

Tags: DailyBasic Meditation, Beginners, Breathing ExerciseInhale, Exhale, Technique, Experience

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Daily Yoga and Meditation

Basic Meditation for Beginners Technique 1

Meditation is very simple but not easy for beginners. Meditation is the big term and can't be explain in words. It require regular practice and experience to understand by yourself. If someone try to explain what meditation is in actual then he might be buffering or he don't know anything. So I am not explaining what is meditation here. I will simply explain basic steps and process to meditate. You must be thinking how long you need to meditate. Question seems quite difficult but I have very simple and scientific answer for this. You need to meditate number of minute of your age in minimum and longer than that is always best.You can start your basic meditation in just 2 simple steps.

Basic Meditation for Beginners

Step 1: Basic Meditation for Beginners

Be mentally prepare yourself for meditation. Select place where you won't be disturb. Switch off your cell phone, remove alarm in cell phone or clock, disconnect telephone lines and place other disturbing things away from your meditating place. Wear comfortable clothes and take comfortable posture. Comfortable posture means the pose you can stay long. I suggest sitting in Lotus posture which is best position for meditation. If you can't then its not a problem. You can seat in a chair or bed but your back should be straight. You can even meditate in sleeping position which I used to practice when I meditate at night.

Step 2: Basic Meditation for Beginners

Lets move one more step ahead. One of very easy step I have chosen for you that everyone can do i.e. breathing exercise. Breathing exercise means breath inside (inhale) and breath outside (exhale) breathing in controlled and different ways. Take slow, longer and deeper inhale and similarly exhale slowly. Very easy, inhale and exhale very slowly. Continue it for about 5 minutes. For beginners 5 minutes is sufficient and can increase time up to 15 minutes. Practice this for one week and move to little higher steps that you will get in next post Basic Meditation for Beginners Technique 2.
Basic Meditation for Beginners Technique Breathing Exercise
Breathing Exercise

Experience with Basic Meditation

Practice it regularly and feel the experience. As I have said earlier meditation is very simple but not easy. You can't understand until you do it by yourself. I will share other simple techniques in next post.

Benefits of Meditation:

  • 1.     Gradually remove stress and feel calm and peace.
  • 2.     Increase smooth blood circulation in heart.
  • 3.     Cure Lungs disease and other lungs related diseases.
  • 4.     Boost memory power of all ages.
  • 5.     Cure respiratory diseases.
  • 6.     Increase physical and mental strength.
  • 7.     It is best meditation to cure migrant pain.
  • 8.     Increase Immune system function to improve overall health.
  • 9.     Enhances metabolism and muscles tone.
  • 10.   Increase creativity and innovative ideas.

 Precaution for meditation:

          Meditation for beginners require some precautions to start meditate. In meditative phase your mind become purely neutral so if you are guided negative or positive will determine the results. So you need to begin meditation with guidance from experience meditation instructor.

Tags: Basic Meditation, Beginners, Posture, Breathing Exercise, Technique